
2019年10月14日—總共六道題目,每題20秒的時間,要畫出指定的項目,通常是生活中會看到的物品與動物等等,電腦在你畫的同時會猜你在畫什麼,可以比賽誰能讓電腦更懂你!,ThegamewhereAIjudgesyourdrawingskills.,Quick,Draw!isanonlineguessinggamedevelopedandpublishedbyGooglethatchallengesplayerstodrawapictureofanobjectorideaandthenusesaneural ...,AutoDrawisanewkindofdrawingtool.Itpairsmachinelearningwithdrawi...

親子共學的Google AI遊戲

2019年10月14日 — 總共六道題目,每題20秒的時間,要畫出指定的項目,通常是生活中會看到的物品與動物等等,電腦在你畫的同時會猜你在畫什麼,可以比賽誰能讓電腦更懂你!

Guess the Line

The game where AI judges your drawing skills.

Quick, Draw!

Quick, Draw! is an online guessing game developed and published by Google that challenges players to draw a picture of an object or idea and then uses a neural ...

AutoDraw by Google Creative Lab

AutoDraw is a new kind of drawing tool. It pairs machine learning with drawings from talented artists to help everyone create anything visual, fast. There's ...

Quick, Draw! by Google Creative Lab

This is a game built with machine learning. You draw, and a neural network tries to guess what you're drawing. Of course, it doesn't always work.

Happy Draw - AI Guess Drawing

Happy Draw is an Draw and guess game that provide online and offline mode. In single player mode, you don't need to wait for others to guess your drawing ...


2023年4月19日 — 令人驚嘆的全新AI 技術,將您的繪圖變成傑作。 大量手工製作的創意會讓你感覺自己像個真正的藝術家。

Quick, Draw!

This is a game built with machine learning. You draw, and a neural network tries to guess what you're drawing. Of course, it doesn't always work. But the ...



Quick, Draw!

Google A.I. Experiments. 設計師, Jonas Jongejan, Henry Rowley, Michael weber ... You can now play a Pictionary-style game called Quick Draw against Google's AI.